2020, July 8: In the sign of science

Today Boris deployed an Argo profiling float. You wonder what that looks like? A video of it can be found here.


For Boris Herrmann it is interesting to help scientists to better understand climate change and the Ocean: "As a racing sailor we are always trying to make our boats as light as possible, our partners and I believe that carrying this extra weight is worthwhile considering the benefit the data is providing to the scientific community and the climate operational centres.”

Today Boris deployed an Argo profiling float. This is an autonomous profiling float weighing about 20kg. He deploys it in a specific zone determined by scientists and their scientific needs. The float will be around in this region for 4-5 years. It will measure temperature, salinity and pressure profile down to 2,000 m below the surface of the Atlantic Ocean during ten-day cycles. Here you can see the collected data.

When the float surfaces, it will the Argos satellite telemetry system to relay collected data. Afterwards the data will be processed and posted to the Global Telecommunication System (GTS) for integration into climate and weather prediction models. 
Click here to find further information from Team Malizia.
